Sunday, September 6, 2020

Davids Guard Intro

Davids Guard Intro

There is a small old neighborhood in Jerusalem called Yamin Moshe. It was one of the first to be built outside of the old city walls. when it was first built people were so scared to live outside of the city walls that they would pay poor families to live there. today you can't touch a piece of property there for under a few million dollars. 

My point is that what is today's prime property was a bit more than a hundred years ago such a scary place to live that people would not stay there at night.

about a decade or two after Yamin Moshe was built another Jewish community was built outside the city walls but even closer to them.

This village was built on land which was purchased by wealthy Jews in order to provide a place to live for the poor Yeminite Jews who had come to Israel.

The state of the Yeminite Village to day is nothing close to that of Yamin Moshe. In fact the yeminite village would have been completely lost and forgotten if not for the work of the foundation Ateret cohanim. The Jewish families were evacuated by the british back in the 1930's because of the rise in Arab violence toward them.

Today you have close to twenty Jewish families that live in the center of the arab village of Silwan who are there for the purpose of rebuilding the Yeminite Village. 

But I really don't want to write a history book here. I want to tell you my story. What it's like in 2019 to work in security in the old Yeminite Village. To be in the time of history that will soon, I think even in the next few decades, when people will say, “back when we needed an armed escort to get to school and work, when they threw rocks at us every day and molotov cocktails every week. 

Because then what will be called back then is really now, and I saw it and I see it every day that I am at work. 

Most people feel that the story of their lives would make a good book, and I bet that if we all really knew how to express our experience of life then everyone's life is a best seller. 

But then on the other hand maybe not, maybe we need to really be looking for the excitement in life to get it. Even more true in my opinion is that we need to be able to see the best selling novel in our lives. 

With those words I do finally think that I have found the true reason that I want to tell my story to the world. It came to me this very moment while sitting here at work, typing on my smart phone using my bluetooth keyboard(because we are not allowed lap tops at work(or lap dances)), sitting in Bayt Ovadiah at the edge of the old yeminite village and listening to the muslim prayer songs. 

To be able to see the story of my life experience and share it with the world.    

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Coming To Israel

Things seemed to be perfectly normal right up until I realized that I was telling a girl that I didn’t know and had randomly met on the street that; how she has the most amazing smile I have ever seen. Now that’s not like me at all, I guess unless I am really drunk. But I wasn’t drunk I was completely lucid. When my friends pulled me away because I was continuing to explain how this girl`s smile was so nice, I realized that the drug had kicked in. This was my very first experience with a hard drug, I was rolling on ecstasy and had no clue what to expect. I had only been in Israel for two weeks and was drinking and smoking pot the whole time. So I guess the cards were against me not taking it to the next level.
It was early November when I left for Israel. I boarded the plane with no hesitation at all; I was like a bird being let out of a cage. I don’t think that I thought too much about what lay ahead of me on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. All I knew was that I was free and was going to have a damn good time. I bought myself two cartons of cigarettes with my fake ID so things were off to a real good start. Back then you were even allowed to smoke on the airplane and guess what, it was a smoking flight. I had myself a beverage, alcoholic of coarse and felt a bit of the residual effects of all the pot I had smoked the night before. I was flying with my buddy Joe and we crossed the ocean in a state of excited relaxation.
Joe`s parents are Israeli so he has a bunch of family in Israel. His uncle picked us up from the airport and drove us to his grandma’s house in Jerusalem.  After a nice Middle Eastern dinner that his grandma had prepared for us we jumped on a bus. This was my first time going to down town Jerusalem, a place that would have a huge effect on the rest of my life. All I wanted was a drink and oh boy did I get one, the first thing we did when we got to town was have our first polish butterfly.
Down town Jerusalem seemed like the ultimate social event. Every one that I knew that was in Israel was out there. You could buy booze anywhere without ID. Shit man I wasn’t even eighteen yet and I was able to drink in the bars no questions asked. Me and Joe found mendy out there having a beer on the wall. The wall was the spot where all the Americans would hang out. It was just a wall that you could sit on in a corner of Zion square. It was only about forty or fifty feet long but it would get completely crowded with people. You could be on the phone with someone who was sitting there and telling you that they were on the wall and you would be looking at this huge crowd of people and not be able to see them.
Mendy was in Israel to attend the same program that we were and he was the first one to tell me that my buddy shlomo was there for the program as well. Now me and shlomo knew each other for a long time but we never really hung out so much. The summer before we were both in the Catskills but we only hung out once. Me and my good friend jonathin went out one night to where he was staying to get high with him. He had told us to come whenever we wanted and we were out of pot so we took him up on his offer. But that was the only time we did. Finding out that shlomo was also there was kick ass news and i was looking forward to seeing him to say what`s up.
Now me, Joe and mendy went to get another polish butterfly. Let me explain what a polish butterfly is for all those that don’t know. The polish butterfly is a double shot of ninety percent alcohol with some blue coloring and sweeteners that make it go down easy. So after my second polish I got myself a beer at a kiosk and we just strolled around town. Oh yes back then drinking on the street was perfectly legal. I was nice and drunk and I remember thinking to myself, “Yo I only landed about four hours ago and I am already drunk”. And oh boy it was just the beginning.
We hung out till pretty late that first night just saying hello to everyone that we knew. Most people come to Israel in September so people were surprised to see us for the first time two months into the year. By the end of the night I saw sholom, I think the first thing he said to me was “hey what`s up, you want to do ecstasy tonight?”. He was looking for pills and someone to take them with but I was not interested in ecstasy and never have been. Back then I really wanted to get my hands on some magic mushrooms, that`s what I was interested in. I also bumped into my buddy rocky who was stoned and drunk. He had weed on him and was going to get me and mendy high. But Joe, who didn’t smoke pot, had just gotten us a cab so we left without smoking.
Mendy crashed with us at Joe`s grandmas place and we all woke up early the next morning because of jet lag. It`s funny I bet that first morning was the only morning that I woke up early the whole year. Joe`s uncle gave us a ride to the synagogue in French hill that was going to be the place where we would be learning for the year. This was a first day of school like no other that I have experienced before or since. All of us that had come to the program were from ultra orthodox families but we ourselves were no longer really orthodox. We came from the Chabad sect of Hasidic Jews that do an amazing job at helping none affiliated Jews all over the world connect with their Jewish heritage. The only problem is that they are not very good at dealing with kids that grow up inside the system who decide that religion is not for them. This program was one of the last stops on the way out the door for the none conformists. We were a group of teens that had been thrown out of Yesheva (Jewish educational institute) at least once and were not willing to change our ways. Rabbi Aton ran the program, no actually rabbi Aton was the program. He is a truly righteous man who saw the need for a place that would accommodate kids like us within the system.
I can only speak for myself but I never felt myself a true part of the orthodox Jewish community in America. That is the reason that I have been living in Israel ever since that first year. The fact that I am now a god fearing observant Jew is due to that first year when my parents put me on that plane and sent me off to find myself in the holy land. Even though the road was rocky and it had many deep valleys where the spirituality was hidden in a thick cloud of smoke. If I would have stayed in America I would have broken away from the Jewish community and very possibly have been consumed by the cultural melting pot of that great and vast land. But of course all of that is in hind sight, back then when I was in the moment; I just wanted to be free. Free from all the does and don’ts, free from the dress code and the restrictions on how long you could grow your hair. I wanted to dress and look however I felt. I wanted to do as I pleased and if I was going to serve god, I was going to do out of my own free will, because I chose to and not because I was told to.
So we unloaded our bags at the large Jerusalem stone synagogue and thanked Joes uncle for the lift. The rabbi was on his way so we me and mendy smoked cigarettes while the three of us waited for him outside. The funny thing I remember was asking mendy if we should put out our smokes Dude, we can smoke cigarettes if we want to.” He was right of course, Rabbi Aton had been dealing with drug and alcohol addicted delinquents for years. Smoking cigarettes was the last thing that he was worried about.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Free Parking in Downtown Jerusalem 1

It’s a bit of a shame to have to state what I see as the obvious, but I guess this may not be something that everyone knows about. Next to the solder house in Jerusalem you can still get a free parking spot. It’s a well known spot to most but to those that don’t know now you do.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Is My Blog

Here we go for my very first post I am going to just throw it out there. I am going to just write out as I feel it comes to me because this is MY BLOG. I have written blogs before always trying to spell and write correctly but not this time. So if you see that there is a grammar or spelling mistake now you know why.

This is the blog that I have always been looking to write, the blog to just let it all flow out, no holding back or checking to see if it’s written correctly.
If spell check doesn’t say it’s wrong then it’s good to me.
Who am I and what am I going to be writing about here?
I am Moses of the dessert and I have returned from the Diaspora.
Ha I can really sound like one of those crazies with Jerusalem syndrome if I continued on that.
But really my name is Moshe “משה” which is simply the Hebrew pronunciation of Moses and I do live in the dessert outside of Jerusalem.
Is my story really anything interesting or special?
Well I guess that is something that only time and you “the reader will be able to tell.
I found myself out here in the Middle East in 1998 with no real purpose other than to have a good time and well I guess find myself. Now almost 15 years later I have found quite a bit of myself but am yet to fully discover the whole me.
Wow just as I am writing this the dreams and all ever important philosophies of my first year in Israel are coming back to me. It’s as if I am opening an old suitcase full of some of my favorite cloths that I just have not worn in perhaps over a decade because they just don’t fit my style anymore.
Well here in my new blog I hope to find the space to rediscover the lost dreams of my youth.
What are some of the things you are bound to see in this blog.
1-      The story of my first years in Israel – from the substance experimentation which caused a re-awakening of the soul until my service in a combat unit in the Israeli army.
2-      Thoughts on the meaning of life and the truths and reasons of existence and the universe and reality.
3-      Motivational true stories and an unraveling revelation of what I like to describe as the existence of an all encompassing source.   
4-      Thoughts on the Middle East and what’s really going on in Israel.
5-      Some great little bits of info on Jerusalem and the surrounding area that you won’t find anywhere else on the net. Like where can you still park for free in downtown Jerusalem.
6-      And more that doesn’t come to mind just now.

Few well that’s all for now I just hope this doesn’t turn into another blog that I start and then never look at or write in again.